AhhhÛ_social media.
So many platforms, so little time
So many, many ways to link back to your website, so little time.
And yet, theyÛªre not the keys to the kingdom. åÊIn fact, thereÛªs a method to the madness that is social media and we got a great question from a listener named Billy about Squidoo and what he can do with little or no SEO budget.
A few years ago, Squidoo was getting a good amount of press, but theyÛªve gone a bit under the radarÛ_but are they still valid as a part of the mix?
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmÛ_
Like our parents tell us as weÛªre growing up (yes, just think of MIND as your folks), live in moderation. åÊToo much of anything can be bad for you.
In this weekÛªs podcast Dave, Mark and Russ discuss BillyÛªs questions and give answers about how to use Squidoo and other social media properlyÛ_AND how to do some effective DIY SEO if you donÛªt have a budget.
Any questions? åÊ Make sure you click the provocatively provocative ÛÏYour SEO Podcast Questions Ask NowÛ button on the right to submit a question for us to answer on an upcoming podcast! åÊWe love your input:)
P.S. åÊLet us know if you do/donÛªt want us to use your full name.