So, you need Google Analytics and Webmaster tools. åÊYes, there are myriad programs to track your traffic and analytics for your website, but itÛªs important to utilize GoogleÛªs tools even if youÛªre using something else.
Google is by far the number one search engine, so you definitely want to know exactly how Google is indexing your site and what results theyÛªre turning up across all data centers.
We got a great question this week from Roger, who is concerned that Google Analytics might be slowing his website down. åÊIn this weekÛªs podcast Dave, Mark and Russ discuss RogerÛªs concerns and give answers about how to use Google Analytics åÊproperlyÛ_AND how to utilize some effective SEO plugins on your site to better track your traffic and break it down to a granular level and track your progress on reaching your goals.
Any questions? åÊ Make sure you click the seductively seductive ÛÏYour SEO Podcast Questions Ask NowÛ button on the right to submit a question for us to answer on an upcoming podcast! åÊThank you for your input:)
P.S. åÊLet us know if you do/donÛªt want us to use your full name.