Dave Jackson has left Libsyn. One of the most respected podcast consultants and trainers, Dave had worked with the Libsyn team for eight years. But it’s him, not them. “There is nothing wrong with Libsyn”, he said, adding “when you hear where I’m going you’ll see it’s simply a better fit for my educational skillset”. We get to find out where on Jul 29 – in, of course, the School of Podcasting podcast.
Podcasting Made Simple Live is on Thursday from PodMatch – 13 virtual sessions including Q&A and a number of different speakers, including Alex Sanfilippo, the Buzzsprout team and Joe Casabona. The event is normally $97, but Podnews readers get in free.
Exclusive: Rhapsody Voices is to launch two new shows this week from established creators: one from Rabia Chaudry and another from YouTuber Geography by Geoff.
✅ Goal for your week: Create a new podcast website — 🤯 Insanely simple way to create a podcast website. 📈 Designed using marketing techniques developed by the best podcasters. 🔎 Searchable content. 📱 Mobile optimized. 🕵️♀️ SEO perfection.
Women in Podcasting Awards — Calling all Women Podcasters! Nominations are Now Open! Submit your show for nomination before August 1, 2024. Our purpose is to elevate women's voices globally and in the podcasting industry.
True Native Media has announced it is to represent SpectreVision’s new podcast network.
ElevenLabs has launched a voice isolator. The demo features a man with a leaf blower.
Thank you to Libsyn for returning as a gold supporter. The first podcast host in the world, the company is also one of the largest, with monetisation options and respected hosting technology. If you get value from Podnews, please give us value back in return – become a supporter like Libsyn, or share us with your colleagues.
Is value-for-value dying? Matt Medeiros says no, it absolutely isn’t; and podcast insiders keep getting V4V wrong.
Writing a PWA or something browser-based for podcasting? Umbilical can help you – offering support for things that can’t be done in a browser.
As one example of the above: we changed our directory episode pages – here’s Podnews Weekly Review, or Joe Rogan. The code pulls the RSS feed directly from the podcast host, and parses it in your browser so you get the latest. Yet, the RSS feed for, say, On the Media uses an insecure link via Feedburner, which stops a browser from requesting the feed – so we have to watch for that and proxy the feed instead.
TrueFans has launched “SuperFeeds”, an enhanced version of RSS feeds with the new Podcasting 2.0 tags that podcast hosting companies leave out; and a full-screen chapter player.
Companies mentioned above:Buzzsprout
Rhapsody Voices
True Native Media
#1 in Apple Podcasts You Probably Think This Story’s About You (Larj Media)
安住紳一郎の日曜天国 (TBS RADIO)
#1 in Spotify The Joe Rogan Experience (Joe Rogan)
霜降り明星のオールナイトニッポン (ニッポン放送)
Over the last week, 182,374 podcasts published at least one new episode (up 0.5%). source
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