Welcome to the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes, hosted by eWebResults! Join us this week as we talk about:
Get Content From Problems You are Solving
20 Useful Content Marketing Tips You Might Not Be Using – part 2
Shh. Listen. SEO is talking to you
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Welcome to the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes, hosted by eWebResults! Join us this week as we talk about:
Get Content From Problems You are Solving
20 Useful Content Marketing Tips You Might Not Be Using – part 2
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Welcome to the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes, hosted by eWebResults! Join us this week as we talk about:
Add a Platform Specific CTA in Your Bios
20 Useful Content Marketing Tips You Might Not Be Using ÛÒ But You Should
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Today Kelvin Newman takes the helm as he is joined by Jon Hibbitt, SEO analyst at SiteVisibility, who talks about the current SEO concerns in the travel industry. Jon has recently sat down and dealt with clients in the travel industry and has talked to them about the problems they had been facing.åÊ A key area that was a concern was mobile SEO. In this podcast Jon discusses the idea of Û÷ MobilegeddonÛª and the issues surrounding mobile SEO.
Jon explained that some businesses had prepared for this to happen while others didnÛªt. Though, this issue was easy to spot, as small businesses were using mobile responsive sites such as WordPress and had nothing to worry about. If anything it was the big businesses that were suffering the most.
Jon found that big business showed cynicism regarding the use of mobile SEO as they were uncertain how this would react on rankings. Though, he believes that overtime there will flux of data that will demonstrate that being mobile friendly is a good thing. He further indicates that businesses should look at it from a user perspective, as users what to find stuff on whatever device they are on.
The importance of https was discussed in this podcast and whether travel industries were incorporating it. Jon found that some have, hoping that they will get a ranking benefit however some travel companies had swapped and noticed a drop on the rankings from 50%. Jon importantly notes that ÛÏitÛªs important to know the technical side before making the switch and that there should proceed with caution.Û
Have you switched to HTTPS recently for SEO reason and whatÛªs that impact been like? Let us know by getting in touch with us or drop a comment below.
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Dave Pell, the man behind the extremely popular curated email newsletter ÛÏNext Draft,Û has perhaps the best list of testimonials anywhere.
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On most testimonial pages you might see one marquis name, followed by a list of no names. Mr. PellÛªs testimonials involve a list of WhoÛªs Who in the news world.
For example, Steve Bodow, Executive Producer of The Daily Show, said, ÛÏDave finds stuff I didnÛªt see but should have. Add that to his drop-dead sexiness and youÛªve got yourself an indispensable newsletter.Û
Then thereÛªs this one from CNN Executive Editor Ram Ramgopal: ÛÏNextDraft is a must-read. Dave scours the Internet and presents a sm̦rgÌ´sbord of stories that educate and entertain, and even elevate the discourse surrounding the major headlines of the day.Û
And how about this one from ESPN Senior Writer Don Van Natta Jr.: ÛÏThe NextDraft newsletter is indispensable. Dave Pell cuts through the clutter with urgency, humor and smarts. I never miss it.Û
WouldnÛªt you like to crawl inside Mr. PellÛªs mind and see how this outstanding writer curates and creates one of the most successful email newsletters of our time? Get some great marketing and branding lessons?
Well, today is your lucky day because thatÛªs exactly what Sean Jackson and I do in this interview (Sean kicked Jerod off the show this week).
In this 43-minute episode youÛªll discover:
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The Show Notes
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Welcome to the most popular internet marketing podcast on iTunes, hosted by E-Webstyle! Join us this week as we talk about:
Add Emotion to Your Calls to Action
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Today we are joined by Rebecca Jones MD at Objectsource, which is a leading Magento developing agency; Rebecca has been head of director level for many different companies such as lastminute.com, ocardo.com and NatWest. Rebecca started Objectsource 4-5 years ago. We asked her: what was the main thrust of Objectsource? åÊShe simply states that it is to Û÷design, build and host Magento websites.Ûª
We asked her, from a business perspective, what are the things that make Magento a good eCommerce platform? She enthusiastically responds that Û÷First and foremost it is free, which means that you can spend all your budget on customising and getting it to what you want it to be for your business.Ûª
She further argues that ÛÏmaking sure your business can attract the right customers and making sure that your site is search-engine-friendly, which makes it a good eCommerce site. She further adds that Magento already allows you to do that as templates are already set up. DonÛªt need to worry about the coding around it.Û
Rebecca also indicates that ÛÒ ÛÏonce youÛªve attracted your customers you need to make sure you try and convert them, which is based on the user experience and the journey they have when they get to the website. Magento already has setup the category pages and the product pages. Making sure that it is swift and easy, so it can go straight into the basket. With Magento converting customers are easy, as long as you have good user journey.Û
She explains that Magento is essentially a platform as it has all the features and the functionality that you would want of a good ecommerce site.
Rebecca clarifies that Magento offers a vibrant developer community due to being an open source platform.
How easy is it to use SEO and optimise keywords strategies, is it straight forward? Rebecca with confidence explains that Û÷yes it is straightforward as Magento has an easy to use admin panel, where you donÛªt need any technical knowledge at all.
In this podcast Rebecca enthusiastically talks from her experience of coming across Magento and how easy it is to use.